United Church Women (UCW)

About the UCW

Our Her-story

UCW has been the national women’s organization of the United Church of Canada since 1962. While the name changed to UCW in 1962, Saint Andrew's has had vibrant women's ministry since the church's earliest days.

Our purpose is: To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church, and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ through Christian witness, study, fellowship and service.

The UCW is a lively group of women who gather monthly for fellowship, food, fun and service. Some meetings include a speaker from a community organization or exercise activities. New members are always welcome. The UCW serves St. Andrew’s and the wider community. We also provide hospitality and organize funeral receptions.

Putting the "Fun" in Fundraising

Our fundraising allows us to support organizations such as Brunswick Street Mission, Sunday Suppers and Camp Kidston. Cookie sales are at Christmas (in support of Brunswick Street Mission) and Valentine’s Day (in support of Sunday Supper). In 2016 we collected children’s clothing for our Syrian refugee family and donated the proceeds of a Sunday chowder lunch (now the annual Soup Challenge) to the breakfast program at Joseph Howe Elementary School. Major contributions to St. Andrew’s have included funds to purchase the coffee/tea system for the Buckrell kitchen, and toward the purchase of the newest audio-visual system in the sanctuary. 

Get Involved

New members are always welcome! We usually meet in the Mary Holmes Room at 1:15 pm on the third Monday of the month. Use the double glass doors on Coburg Street. For more information, contact one of our Co-Chairs Clara or Gail. Please note our January meeting will be held off-site. Please message one of our Co-Chairs for details.

Valentines Bake Sale 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The UCW hosts the annual Valentines Bake Sale in February. All proceeds go to the Sunday Suppers. This year the Social Justice Committee will also be there, selling fair trade coffee, and olive oil and za'atar from Palestine.

The sale is held in the church sanctuary before and after the service. Use the main Robie Street entrance.

2024 Soup Challenge

A Project of the Saint Andrew's UCW

November is Soup Challenge Month. Hosted by the UCW, this event raises funds for the Joseph Howe Elementary School Breakfast Program. Building on the success of this initiative over the past four years, we invite you to participate in this very worthwhile cause from the comfort of your home. Toss a loonie, a toonie or more in a jar every time you have a bowl of soup (or a preferred meal!) in November. Last year we donated $2,546 to this program, thanks to your participation and generosity. So let’s do it again and help give those hungry kids a great start to their day by donating to the School Breakfast Program.

Our challenge to you - Eat and Donate for the month of November. Together we can make a difference in our own community!

Funds may be sent through online giving (see Give to UCW Soup Fund in the drop-down menu), online through CanadaHelps, by debit or credit card in church, by cheque dropped off to the church office, or by e-transfer to [email protected] (please note Soup Fund in your comments).


Christmas Bake Sale 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The UCW hosts the annual Christmas Bake Sale in December. All proceeds go to the Brunswick Street Mission. The sale is held in the church sanctuary before and after the service. Use the main Robie Street entrance.