It really IS all church...
"I've had the most wonderful experience the last few days. It really IS all church.
On Thursday night, a Scouts Beavers group was in the gym learning about osprey and other animals (which were actually brought in to show them!), All Nations Full Gospel Church was singing away in the Lower Hall, and we had to tip-toe through the Sanctuary because Halifax Gay Men's Chorus was rehearsing.
Friday was our concert on The Stage and there was a wedding going on in the Lower Hall with All Nations that afternoon!!
On Saturday, there were amazing smells and sounds of people speaking and laughing in French all around the Upper Hall. Immigration Francophone Nouvelle-Ecosse was here preparing a big meal for a great many people!
I know this happens all the time. But it always makes me shake my head and smile thinking of the shock when I tell people "Yes, this is still an active church".
Saint Andrew's is a magical place, my friends."
- A member of Saint Andrew's congregation
We Support Community
In all the myriad of ways you support Saint Andrew's, you are also supporting other individuals, organizations, and causes in the community.
KAIROS Atlantic
This September, KAIROS Atlantic hosted their "Building Hope for our Atlantic Canada: Water, Land, Air, and Food for All" event at Saint Andrew's. KAIROS unites Canadian churches and religious organizations in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). KAIROS advocates for social change, amplifying and strengthening the public witness of its members.
Ganesh Festival
Saint Andrew's was the site of the Halifax Ganesh Festival this year! From August 31 to September 4, our gym was transformed to welcome the community and celebrate this Hindu festival. Saint Andrew's is a place of many people, many faiths, many backgrounds, and many experiences. This is care. This is community. This is church.
DalOUT Student Retreat
Through our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion projects, we financially supported the Dalhousie Campus Ministry and the DalOUT Student Retreat, which will bring together twelve 2SLGBTQIA+ student leaders. These students will focus on group-building, leadership development, and program planning, alongside the United Church of Canada's Chaplain on campus.
YWCA GuySpace PowerCamp
YWCA Halifax hosted their GuySpace PowerCamp here in August! GuySpace Movement camp is all about active participation based games and challenges. Campers will play sports and build a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and new friendships.
GuySpace PowerCamp is completely free and open to male identifying youth aged 11-14. Fun, friends, new's all here at Saint Andrew's.
The Bangladesh Festival
The first annual Bangladesh Festival was held this year on August 6 & 7th. The hosts, the Bangladesh Canada Friendship Society, reached out to us to rent our kitchen to prepare food for all the food stalls. It is an HRM requirement that food served is made in a commercial kitchen, and we have dedicated non-profit rental pricing, which means we can support organizations like this with their needs by sharing our resources without breaking the budget.
The Youth Project Camp
We were happy to be able to provide a last minute summer camp space for The Youth Project, a local organization for youth 25 and under, providing support and services around issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. Camps bring together 2SLGBTQIA+ peers, where they can meet new people, try new activities, learn new things, and have fun. No homophobia, no bullying, all acceptance! You help make Saint Andrew's a safe, inclusive, and accepting space so that The Youth Project feels welcome here.
Parkinson Canada SuperWalk
This September, we supported the Parkinson Canada SuperWalk in Halifax by lending some needed supplies. Their walk Coordinator reached out to us with an ask to borrow some supplies, since their operations were deeply impacted by the Covid pandemic and they simply could not afford to rent tables, chairs, etc. for the event. Without hesitation, we said YES! This is a small, but impactful, way we can support a fellow charitable organization, and in turn, support folks living with Parkinson's.