Introducing Our Team

Get to know our fabulous staff and volunteer team. 
We are all part of the life and work of Saint Andrew's. 

Reverend Susan Chisholm (she/her)
B. Mus; B. Ed; M.A; M.Div.


Call/Text- (902) 405-3490
Email - [email protected]

Growing up in the church, Susan remembers committee meetings held at her dining room table, choir practices held around her piano, youth retreats held at her cottage, and farewell and welcome parties held around her barbecue. Her connection to God came first from her sense of belonging in a loving and supportive faith community. It was a good start, but then there are countless ways to grow in life and spirit.

Susan holds degrees from the University of Western Ontario, McGill University, and Atlantic School of Theology. As an educator, Susan worked in the Arctic, East Africa, Central Canada, and Eastern Canada, always with an interest in education for social change. Susan has been involved in the healing work of reconciliation, and the collaborative work of intersectional justice. She has particular interest in progressive theology with real world engagement – personally, collectively, globally.

Her joy in Saint Andrew’s is its radical welcome of diverse expressions, perspectives, orientations, and traditions. Thank God for that! What we explore here helps us to bear more gracefully the realities and responsibilities of being human, and frankly, we need all the help and wisdom we can get. This world needs all the help and wisdom we can get.

So meeting, singing, celebrating, and belonging still matter, and with the breadth and depth of spirit at Saint Andrew’s, we keep growing.

Kevin Parks (he/him)

Designated Minister of Music
Venue Manager

Call/Text - (902) 221-1597
Main email - [email protected]
Venue inquiries - [email protected]

Kevin has been the music leader at Saint Andrew’s since July 2002. In 2015, Saint Andrew’s asked Halifax Presbytery to define this position as a Congregation Designated Ministry. Kevin’s perspective as a “pastoral musician” led him to pursue theological training which has opened him to deeper perspectives and richer understanding of how to enliven what is deep in our souls through a well-selected text and tune. Kevin prefers to work in collaboration with many others to make music in worship a source of insight and inspiration, a touchstone upon which faith is grounded and built.

Kevin wears many hats at Saint Andrew's and, in addition to worship, is involved in strategic planning, site development, mission and outreach, as well as Sanctuary bookings and managing presentations on The Stage at St. Andrew’s.

Beyond Saint Andrew’s, Kevin is University Musician at Atlantic School of Theology, and a member of the development team for the United Church of Canada’s (UCC) upcoming digital Worship and Music resources “Gathering Worship” and “Then Let Us Sing!” He is a sought-after clinician and music leader for conferences and events, and commentator on matters related to teamwork in ministry, copyright in the church, and making music in pandemic circumstances. His partner, Dana Pardy, is a candidate for ministry in the UCC, and they have three ‘mostly’ grown children.

Patricia Neves (she/her)

Operations Manager

Call/Text - (902) 405-3163
Email - [email protected]

Patricia works out of the church office as our Financial Administrator. She's also entrenched our the Affirming Ministry process, bringing energy, commitment, and leadership.

For support with fiscal matters relating to Saint Andrew's, please contact Patricia.

Gail Clarke (she/her)

Congregational Administrator and Communications

Call/Text - (902) 422-3157
Email - [email protected]

Gail is our Congregational Administrator. She brings decades of administrative experience (ten of those in church administration) and is excited to be working with the team at St. Andrews. She is in the church office from 9am to 1pm, Monday through Friday. Gail is also a professional photographer. Outside of work you may see her with her camera and/or her two large mutts.

If you have general inquiries, items for the newsletter/website/social media, or to discuss facility rentals (building excluding the sanctuary / Stage) please get in touch!

Louie Santiago (he/him)


Email - [email protected]

Louie does an amazing job is Sexton for the building. He maintains the interior and exterior of Saint Andrew's, and supervises our Assistant Sextons - Cassidy and Caleb. If you'd like to reach out to Louie about the care or maintenance of our building, please send him a message.

Caleb Parks (he/him)

Assistant Sexton

Caleb is one of our Assistant Sextons. He does a variety of jobs around the church facility and helps set up and tear down for events, and helps accommodate our many renters.

Jillian Eisener (she/her)
B.A Child and Youth Studies; Minor Psych

Sunday School Coordinator

Email - [email protected]

Jillian has been working with children for 8 years and has been in a variety of management and family support positions throughout her career. As the Sunday School Coordinator, she is responsible for ensuring the Sunday School is running well and supporting the families and educator that are apart of our program.

If there is a way she can support you or your children involved in the program, don't hesitate to reach out.

Hannah Giffin (she/her)

Sunday School Educator

Hannah is a Level 2 Early Childhood Educator and has been working with children for 6 years. She has been working in various churches in children’s and youth ministry for the last three years and has finally found a home at St. Andrew’s. As the Sunday School Educator, she is looking forward to getting to know you and growing the program!

In her free time, Hannah loves spending time in or on the water kayaking, paddle boarding and swimming. If the sun isn’t out, you’ll most likely find her curled up with a good book and a cup of tea or singing loudly in the kitchen.

Strategic vision, guidance, and direction

Church Council

At the 2022 AGM, our congregation voted in favour of transitioning to a strategic Council, operating in the United Church structure of a streamlined board.

With our dedicated volunteer Council members, we continue this process towards building a board that focuses on the strategic vision of Saint Andrew's, and provides guidance and direction, empowering staff to manage the day-to-day operations of our growing mission.

New members are welcome on this team! Be a part of building the future of Saint Andrew's. Click below to get started.