Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers about Hall & The Stage (Sanctuary) Rentals here!

What rentals options do you offer?

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Where do I find rental information?

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How do I find out if a room is available?

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How can I request a rental?

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Who do I contact about rentals?

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What is included in a rental?

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Why do I need to book set-up & take-down time?

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What are your rental prices?

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Your prices are outside my budget. What can I do?

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Why is there a staff price after hours?

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How do I pay for my rental?

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Why do I need insurance?

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How do I get insurance?

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Is there parking onsite?

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Why do I have to keep the doors closed?

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Why can't I park in the driveway?

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I have more questions

Didn't find the answer to your question above? Couldn't find the information you needed about Hall Rentals here or The Stage rentals here? We'll be happy to help you!

Click the button(s) below to contact Gail (Hall Rentals) or Kevin (The Stage Rentals).